So, unless you have been under a rock for the last 15 months, you should know this: the richest and most powerful nation will elect her next administration tomorrow. Ah, such gruesome 15 months.
And the last 2 weeks been, well, tensed. Apparently, the FBI decided to fire-drill leaking information regarding a presidential candidate. And, apparently, for all of their talks of courage and principles, GOP leaders decide that winning is everything. As such, the republican experiment of the new world teases with shutting itself down. It still does, obviously, but not as likely.
There were some rays of hope. Apparently, early voting shows great enthusiasm among groups that make up future of this nation: the brown, the educated, the young (hopefully?). And that enthusiasm may save the day, after all.
After done probably most that I can do as citizen, contribution and voting, I am left with hope. And I hope for a November surprise. Or, maybe, a November miracle.
I hope that The United States of America, the richest, most powerful, most enduring democracy of the globe will, finally, wake up and show the world how democracy is done. I hope that she would shove aside he who dares threatening her freedom of press, of speech, of personal liberty. I hope that she would enshrine her professed principles: liberty and justice for all.
I hope that Americans will finally wake up and cast aside their cowardice leaders: those who endorse racism, sexism; those who tolerance abandonment of their friends and allies; those who value their careers over their professed principles. Wouldn't it be nice if all endorsers of he-who-shall-not-be-named get voted out of office? Wouldn't it be nice if the people cast down their shackles and trample over their oppressors?
Finally, I hope that progressivism will return with vigor. 8 years ago (sound like a life time away, doesn't it?), Americans made epic history. And the country surged ahead: racism was cast aside; health care was reformed; Wall Street was regulated; the environment got some attention. Tomorrow, I hope that the US will progress again.
Hope is sometimes vain. But, what else do we have but hope? (btw, if you have not voted, there is something else; get your butt in line and vote).
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