First, let's talk about laws and policies. Obama has been in office for 2 years, and he has accomplished an array of impressive tasks:
- Rescue of the economy
- Health insurance reform
- Financial reform
- Lift the requirement for vehicle efficiency
- Pull the troops from Iraq
- Two judges in Supreme Court
Pause, breath, and think. Two years, mind you, not even a term. He has done more than Clinton did in 2 terms! So much for doing nothing. However, influence of Obama does not stop at policies. Let's look at it from a wider viewpoint.
- His skin color alone, or together with his middle name, are enough to be revolutionary. A black president with a Middle Eastern (Muslim, even) middle name. This fact is enough to shape history!
- Obama brings back some authority of the US. First, we update our environmental standard, put ourselves in a better positions to negotiate with India and (especially) China over this matter. Furthermore, we have pulled out of Iraq, gained back some good will of our European allies. Oh, and did I mention Obama administration also put 2 warring Middle Eastern leaders into peace talk?
- Being a black president with Muslim middle name, Obama ushers the conflict and stereotype of American people into the surface. Before him, everyone knows that this country hates Islam, but no one knows for sure. Now, it's clear: Islamphobia is showing its worst face, and hard-core Christians unveil their ugly sides. Obama has been wise to stand aside: these social issues must be solved, and thanks to him, they are being solved
- Also under Obama, we seem to experience the most political activity for a while. Well, expectedly, since important issues, economy, health care, wars, financial systems, environment were bring into discussion. Plus, when someone throws insults around, the insulted will respond. To bring these issues into light is a great work.
- Sexual harassment in churches. Doesn't anyone every wonder this: these things have been going on for decades, but only under Obama time that they grab headlines. Why? Maybe because of some random coincidence, but maybe because of the social unrest Obama provokes. As I argued, Obama brings many hidden issues onto surface; those court cases, thus, receive their due attention.
Let us step back, and rethink Obama. Beside the first 2 presidents (who laid down the foundation of this country), who can compare with Obama in term of influence? Teddy Roosevelt only had a few puny trust cases; Reagan only had a little recession (solved by the Fed for him, but he got all the credits; funny) and a dying opponent (again, they kill themselves, but Reagan got the credits); Kennedy really only had a few good speeches, and screwed up everything else (literally, btw). Puny presidents aside, FDR had World War II and Great Depression, but that's only a part of Obama's contribution (true, his wars are smaller, but Obama has two unpopular wars, plus the current recession was potentially as bad as Great Depression); Johnson inherited most of his issues from his predecessor, whereas Obama actually calls attention into these matters; Lincoln did have a great conflict on his hand, but he handled the Civil War badly and totally screwed up the end result. Oh, remember that those presidents only solve matters. Obama shows hidden problems. Remember last time someone tried doing that? Clinton tried with homosexuality and the army, and got flamed so badly that he stopped working altogether; Carter tried with inflation, and everyone ousted him out of the office.
One more thing to consider: Obama has always remembered to represent the whole United States of America. He is a progressive, liberal person, but his policies always seek out and (try to) please conservative crowd. This gesture brings him absolutely nothing whatsoever, but he still does it. Think about his bravery! Okay, maybe because his sponsors want it that way, but if such is the case, he would not have reformed anything whatsoever. Obama reformed, and he remember to put everyone's opinions on board! True, the result is not optimal, but it's democracy. What is more important: an optimal solution or a democratic one? Remember, we don't live under a tyranny.
All in all, Obama has been a great president. Frankly, none of his critics would have the courage and skills to do all of his doings. They would be partisan, oppressing, or forget to look at all places. They would handle the social unrest over-eagerly, or ignore those problems altogether. They would forget that their country consists of not just progressive and liberal people, but also conservative ones. True, it would be nice if everyone is progressive, or everyone is conservative (depends on your view), but real world is imperfect, and trying to impose one's wish to the real world is terrible.
Now, more than ever, Obama needs our support. He needs us to push through the remaining reforms; he needs us to solve the social conflicts; he needs us revive the economy. Of course, he also needs us to remind him and Congress what need to be done (aka criticism). However, at this particular moment, when we are so near our visions, our desired change, our destination, we abandon him, amass. For what? Because of what? Because he is different from us? Because he tries to be nice and democratic to people (something that we always champion)? Because he tries to avoid all-out tyranny? Humans are funny, eh?